Design Standards & Guidelines
New for 2024, Design Standards & Guidelines Version 5.
The Design Standards and Guidelines (DSG) include engineering requirements, details, specifications, policies, and procedures. The DSG help Seattle Public Utilities (SPU) Design Engineers, Project Managers, and Consultants perform engineering work for SPU.
Chapters are organized by SPU's lines of business and subject matter categories.
The DSG is used for all new Capital Improvement Projects managed and delivered by SPU's Project Management and Engineering Division, and can be referenced for other types of projects or programs.
Certain chapters or portions of chapters are not available to the general public for security reasons. If you need to see any of these, contact
DSG Request Form (PDF)
Guidelines by Chapter
- Design Process - Complete chapter (PDF)
- 1A- Design Checklist (PDF)
- 1B- Basis of Design Plan Sheet (PDF)
- 30% Design Package Deliverable (PDF)
- 60% Design Package Deliverable (PDF)
- 90% Design Package Deliverable (PDF)
- Final Design Package Deliverable (PDF)
- Technical QC Review Report (PDF)
- Design for Permitting & Environmental Review - Complete chapter (PDF)
- Design for Construction - Complete chapter (PDF)
- 3A- 2 Sample Construction Stormwater Plans (PDF)
- 3B- Sample Notes for Construction Stormwater and Erosion Control Plans (PDF)
- 3C- Sample Notes for Water Plans (PDF)
- 3D- Sample Notes for Water Services (PDF)
- 3E- Sample Notes for Drainage Plans About Catch Basins and Inlets (PDF)
- 3F- Sample Notes for Sewer and Drainage Plans about Mainlines (PDF)
- 3G- Sample Notes about Side Sewers (PDF)
- 3H- Sample Notes for Pavement Plans, including Metro Coordination (PDF)
- 3I- Sample General Notes (PDF)
- 3J- Sample SCL and PSE Notes (PDF)
- 3K- Sample Tree Protection and Landscape Restoration Notes (PDF)
- General Design Considerations - Complete chapter (PDF)
- Vactor Truck Turning Radius (PDF)
- Water Infrastructure - Complete chapter (PDF)
- 5A- Settlement Monitoring Requirements for Cast Iron Watermains (PDF)
- 5B- Settlement Monitoring Requirements for Ductile Iron Watermains (PDF)
- 5C- Inspection Guidelines for SPU Water Storage Facilities (PDF)
- 5D- 1927 Cast Iron Pipe Handbook (PDF)
- 5E- 2019 WADOH Water System Design Manual (PDF)
- 5F- Joint Property Use Memorandum of Agreement between Seattle Parks and Recreation and SPU (PDF)
- Cathodic Protection - Complete chapter (PDF)
- CSI Specifications for Cathodic Protection (PDF)
- Drainage & Wastewater System Modeling - Complete chapter (PDF)
- 7A- Modeling Plan & Reporting (PDF)
- 7B- Modeling QA/QC Checklist (XLS)
- 7C- Data Flags (PDF)
- 7D- Data Formats (PDF)
- 7E- CSO Technical Guidance Manual (PDF)
- 7F- Modeling Check In and Out Form (PDF)
- 7G- ACU-SWMM Users Manual (PDF)
- 7H- Green Stormwater Infrastructure Modeling Methods (PDF)
- Drainage & Wastewater Infrastructure - Complete chapter (PDF)
- 8A- Structural Calculations for Maintenance Holes (XLS)
- 8B- Useful Figures and Concepts (PDF)
- 8C- GSI Manual (PDF)
- 8D- Public Drainage System Requirements (PDF)
- 8E- Core Tap Procedures for Storm and Sewer Mains (PDF)
- Electrical Design - Complete chapter (PDF)
- 9A- Standard Specifications for Electrical Design (PDF)
- 9B- Standard Drawings for Electrical Design (PDF)
- 9C- Design Calculations for Electrical Design (PDF)
- 9D- SPU Electrical Design Checklist (PDF)
- 9E- Basis of Electrical Design Memo (PDF)
- Instrumentation Control - Scada - Complete chapter (PDF)
- 10A- I&C Design Specifications Examples (PDF)
- 10B- Example Set of Standard SPU I&C Drawings and Details (PDF)
- 10C- Example Set of Standard SPU I&C Design Checklists (PDF)
- 10D- Drawings of Typical PLC Configurations and IO Modules Wiring Diagrams (PDF)
- 10E- Typical Installation Details for Instrumentation (PDF)
- 10F- Typical SCADA signals by facility type (PDF)
- Pump Stations - Complete chapter (PDF)
- 11A- Example Pump Station CSI Specifications (PDF)
- 11B- PS Design Calculator Constant Speed (XLS)
- 11C- PS Design Calculator Variable Speed (XLS)
- 11D- Wet Well Sizing Calculations (XLS)
- 11E- Equipment Data Sheet Template (XLS)
- 11F- Example Basis of Design Plan Sheet (PDF)
- 11G- Example Bypass Vault Layout (PDF)
- 11H- Review Circulation Sheet (XLS)
- 11I- CSO Reduction Program Odor Management Guidelines (PDF)
- 11J- Recommended Table of Contents for O&M Manuals (PDF)
- Physical Security - Complete chapter (PDF)
- Construction and Maintenance Project Site Security Plan (PDF)
- Water Services - Complete chapter (PDF)
- 17A- Standard Water Service Plans (PDF)
- 17B- Example Plans for Water Service (PDF)
- Development Services - Complete chapter (PDF)
- 18A- Temporary Discharge (PDF)
- 18D- DWW Utility Protection Notes (PDF)
Seattle Public Utilities (“SPU”) Design Standards and Guidelines (“Guidelines") are intended for internal SPU purposes only. While great effort has been made to ensure their accuracy and completeness, this information and the Guidelines should not be used or relied upon for any specific application without competent professional examination and verification of its accuracy, suitability and applicability by a competent licensed engineer, architect or other licensed professional. SPU makes these Guidelines available for the convenience of third-parties who seek to review or gain an independent understanding of the SPU Guidelines to utilize at their own risk. The procedures, methods and guidelines herein are meant as a guide only and SPU makes no representation or warranty with respect to any third-party use. Many of the guidelines herein contained are general in character and are not to be construed as replacing, modifying, or superseding any of the provisions of the specifications, plans or contract that a third-party user may have with SPU or any other department of The City of Seattle.
The Guidelines themselves are subject to constant updates, and the user of these Guidelines should verify with SPU whether any guideline or portion thereof has been updated. To the extent that any third-party usage is based on a need to obtain approval by SPU for facilities or construction, the mere incorporation of the Guidelines into third-party plans or designs does not guarantee that the plans or designs will be approved by SPU. Nothing in these Guidelines is intended to relieve any consultant of its own professional duties and obligations of compliance with applicable laws, standards, industry practices and/or professional obligations. The City of Seattle bears no liability nor responsibility for any third-party use of these Guidelines and any user of the Guidelines assumes all liability arising from such use.