The following contracts detail how Seattle Public Utilities (SPU) works with partners to collect, process, and haul our solid waste (garbage, recycling, and compost).
SPU also issues purchase orders for our goods and non-professional services across our entire organization. The City standard terms and conditions apply to all purchase orders issued unless otherwise defined by a contract.
Solid Waste Collection Contracts
Seattle contracts with Recology King County, Inc. and Waste Management of Washington, Inc. for garbage, recycling, and food and yard waste collection services. The collection contracts cover all residential garbage, recycling and food and yard waste, as well as commercial garbage, by area:
- Contract with Waste Management covering northwest and south Seattle (PDF)
- Contract with Recology King County, Inc. covering northeast and central Seattle (PDF)
Seattle contracts with Waste Management of Washington, Inc. for construction and demolition (C&D) waste collection service.
- Contract with Waste Management covering non-recyclable C&D waste citywide (PDF)
Processing Contracts
Seattle has contracts with different companies to process solid waste as follows:
Food and Yard Waste (organic waste)
- Lenz Composting Contract (PDF)
- Cedar Grove Contract (PDF)
Long Haul Disposal Contract
Seattle contracts with Washington Waste Systems for the transportation and disposal of the City's solid waste. The waste is transported by rail to the Columbia Ridge Landfill and Recycling Center in Gilliam County, Oregon.