2018 District 2 – Projects

2019 | 2018 | 2017

District 2 — Project Updates

2018 Your Voice, Your Choice: Parks and Streets Elected Projects

* Projects in Equity & Environment Initiative (EEI) Focus Areas.

STREETS | 4th Ave S between E Marginal Way S and S Michigan St

Walkway Improvements

Project Overview

4th Ave S, from E Marginal Way S to S Michigan St, is an arterial street block with a high volume of vehicle traffic, and lacks a sidewalk, curb and drains, and obvious driveway access points. The street connects residents to a nearby food bank, restaurants, and the South Seattle Community College. Installing a new sidewalk clarifies driveway access points, enhances pedestrian and driver safety, predictability, and accessibility.

Walkway improvements are being designed under the Your Voice, Your Choice program and we’re partnering with the Sidewalk Development Program to complete implementation. The project, and its allocated YVYC funds, will be wrapped into the 2021 Sidewalks Development Package.

Project Solutions

  • Install new curb-and-gutter sidewalk on the east side of 4th Ave S
  • Install planting strip and street trees between the sidewalk and street
  • Upgrade curb ramps as needed to ensure ADA compliance
  • Partner with the Sidewalk Development Program for implementation

Neighborhood: Georgetown

Total Cost: $75,600
YVYC Funds: $75,600

Project Schedule and Updates

Design was completed in 2020.

For updates on implementation visit the Sidewalk Development Program page.

4th Ave S Project Map

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STREETS | Beacon Ave S between S Spokane St and S Columbian Way

Crossing Improvements

Project Overview

Beacon Ave S, between S Spokane St and S Columbian Way, contains three existing crosswalks, high pedestrian volumes, and vehicle speeds on a daily basis. The location connects people to Mercer Middle School, Jefferson Park, the VA Hospital, the Beacon Hill Seattle Public Library, and nearby transit stops.

Despite the existing crosswalks, vehicles rarely stop for pedestrians. Crossing improvements enhance accessibility, visibility, and safety for drivers and pedestrians. We’re partnering with the Pedestrian Master Program to complete design and implementation.

Project Solutions

  • Install rectangular rapid flashing beacons at all three crosswalks
  • Partner with the PMP for implementation

Neighborhood: Beacon Hill

Total Cost: $180,000
YVYC Funds: $90,000
PMP Funds: $90,000

Project Schedule and Updates

Construction was completed in October 2019.

Beacon Ave S Project Map

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STREETS | Genesee St between Jill Pl S and 29th Ave S

Public Space Improvement

Project Overview

In 2016, we worked with local neighborhood and community groups to install a temporary park on a short street segment in the Rainier Vista neighborhood, as part of a 2-year traffic calming pilot and the Pavement to Parks Program.

The temporary park is directly across from a social service organization that provides after-school activities to preschool and K-12 students and has successfully established a well-used community gathering space that connects residents to nearby school bus stops, and the Columbia City Light Rail Station.

A permanent park is being designed under the Your Voice, Your Choice program, and we’re partnering with Pavement to Parks, and the Seattle Housing Authority to identify a funding strategy and complete implementation. After working with the community, installing a new street light, repainting the existing mural, and installing a new intersection street mural on 29th Ave S were identified as short term projects to be implemented with the remaining funds.

The new street mural design was identified to visually extend the existing mural to the east and better connect to the Neighborhood House. The design was developed after working with the residents and conducting a survey. The final street mural design was chosen over the summer and can be viewed from a bird's eye view below.

Project Solutions

  • Develop 60% design
  • Partner with the Pavement to Parks and Seattle Housing Authority for implementation
  • Install a street light (2020 addition)
  • Repainting the existing mural (2023 addition)
  • Install a new intersection street mural on 29th Ave S (2023 addition)

Neighborhood: Rainier Vista

Total Cost: $90,000
YVYC Funds: $90,000

Project Schedule and Updates

  • 60% design plan was completed in 2020 and construction of the street light was completed in spring 2021.
  • The repaint of the existing mural is scheduled in September, 2023. More details can be found here.
  • The materials for the new intersection mural have been ordered. Installation is anticipated later in the fall 2023 and will be dependent upon weather.

Genesee Project Area Map

Bird's eye view of the new street mural location.

Final street mural design

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STREETS | 12th Ave S and S Jackson St

Pedestrian Lighting Improvements

Project Overview

The west bound transit stop on the north side of S Jackson St, at 12th Ave S, suffers from poor lighting and visibility at night. Installing new lights enhances safety and visibility for travelers.

Project Solutions

  • Install pedestrian light at the west bound stop on the north side of S Jackson St at 12th Ave

Neighborhood: International District

Total Cost: $90,000
YVYC Funds: $90,000

Project Schedule and Updates

Construction was completed and was turned on in July 2022.

12th Ave S Project Map

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STREETS | 33rd Ave S between S Graham St and S Holly St

Walkway Improvements

Project Overview

The east side of 33rd Ave S, between S Graham St and S Holly St, run’s adjacent to a steep slope, parallel to a narrow right-of-way (ROW), and lacks a walkway.

Installing a walkway and traffic calming devices upgrades walkability, safety, and accessibility. However, given the challenging existing conditions, YVYC can only fund the design.

Project Solutions

  • Design a low-cost walkway

Neighborhood: New Holly

Total Cost: $90,000
YVYC Funds: $90,000

Project Schedule and Updates

Design was completed in July 2019.

S 33rd Project Area Map

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STREETS | Rainier Ave S and S Holly St

Walkway Improvements

Project Overview

The existing signal at Rainier Ave S and S Holly St does not have an accessible pedestrian signal (APS), which communicates information to people with low vision, or are blind. Installing an APS improves accessibility, safety, and predictability for people crossing the street.

As part of our project, we’ll partner with Vision Zero (VZ) and Neighborhood Greenway (NGW) programs to complete implementation.

Project Solutions

  • Install an accessible pedestrian signal (APS)
  • Signal upgrades

Neighborhood: Brighton

Total Cost: $90,000
YVYC Funds: $90,000

Project Schedule and Updates

Construction was completed in August 2019.

Rainier Ave and Holly Project Map

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STREETS | Rainier Ave S between 57th Ave S and Henderson Ave S

Sidewalk Upgrades

Project Overview

The sidewalk along Rainier Ave S, between 57th Ave S and Henderson Ave S is degraded, and uprooted in places. Landscape and sidewalk upgrades improve accessibility and safety, and create a more enjoyable experience for travelers on Rainier Ave S.

Project Solutions

  • Perform sidewalk maintenance to remove tripping hazards
  • Reconstruct the worst sections of sidewalk

Neighborhood: Rainier Beach

Total Cost: $90,000
YVYC Funds: $90,000

Project Schedule and Updates

Construction was completed in December 2019.

Rainier Ave at 57th Project Map

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STREETS | 33rd Ave S and S Morgan St

Traffic Calming Improvements

Project Overview

The intersection of 33rd Ave S and S Morgan St experiences a high volume of traffic, and traffic and has a history of angle collisions. Installing a traffic circle improves traffic flow, predictability, and safety.

We've added this project to our 2019 YVYC work plan in addition to the projects that residents selected through the YVYC voting process. We'll implement the project, and the Neighborhood Traffic Control Program (NTCP) will fund it.

Project Solutions

  • Install a new traffic calming circle

Neighborhood: Beacon Hill

Total Cost: $30,000
NTCP Funds: $30,000

Project Schedule and Updates

Construction was completed in July 2019.

Project map for 33rd Ave S and S Morgan St

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PARKS | Oxbow Park

Safety Improvements

Project Overview

Oxbow Park is located in the heart of historic Georgetown. Home to the iconic Hat n Boots sculpture, it also is a fine neighborhood park with a P-patch, open lawn, and seating spaces. However, park visitors feel unsafe when there are places to hide - especially in the cover of darkness. There are existing lights that aren’t working and shrub beds where people can hide.

Improving existing lighting, redesigning shrub beds with plants increase visibility and will improve safety.

Project Solutions

  • Locate and repair all existing lighting in existing concrete benches-replace existing bulbs with LED fixtures and clean the coverings
  • Change the fixture in the center pole and replace bulb with LED
  • Redesign and replant the shrub beds for easy visibility

Neighborhood: Georgetown

Total Cost: $5,900
YVYC Funds: $5,900

Project Schedule and Updates

Construction was completed in September 2019.

Please check Seattle Parks and Recreation for the latest updates.

Oxbow Park Project Map

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PARKS | Hing Hay Park

Historic Park Improvements

Project Overview

Hing Hay Park, figuratively translated to "Park for Pleasurable Gatherings," is nestled in the heart of the Chinatown-International District Neighborhood. Originally constructed in 1975, handrails were not required as part of park design. This project will add handrails and will review and repair other elements at the park

Adding handrails and beatifying other elements will add beauty and accessibility for everyone.

Project Solutions

  • Install handrail
  • Review updated costs for pavilion, benches, and other repairs
  • Install as many elements as possible

Neighborhood: Chinatown-International District

Total Cost: $90,000
YVYC Funds: $90,000

Project Schedule and Updates

We anticipate construction to be completed as soon as summer 2022.

Please check Seattle Parks and Recreation for the latest updates.

Hing Hay Park Project Map

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PARKS | Dr. Jose Rizal Park

Historic Park Improvements

Project Overview

On the west side of Beacon Hill, Dr. Jose Rizal Park has an amazing view of south Downtown and Elliott Bay. The park has a dog off-leash area at its north end, and picnic tables, restrooms, and a small play area for children to the south.

Upgrading the trail system improves connectivity and accessibility for everyone.

Project Solutions

  • Repair and replacement of trails and trail steps

Neighborhood: Beacon Hill

Total Cost: $44,000
YVYC Funds: $44,000

Project Schedule and Updates

Construction was completed in October 2019.

Please check Seattle Parks and Recreation for the latest updates.

Dr Jose Rizal Park Project Map

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PARKS | Beacon Hill Playfield

Basketball Court Improvements

Project Overview

Beacon Hill Playfield, a neighborhood park next to Beacon Hill Elementary School, features ADA-accessible basketball hoops and a children's play area, picnic tables, accessible restrooms, a soccer and softball field, accessible tennis courts and an accessible wading pool. The basketball court should be improved; surfacing and nets for better playability.

Upgrading the basketball court space improves playability for everyone.

Project Solutions

  • Resurface court surface
  • Clean, repair, and (potentially remove) the wall
  • Repair or replace the nets and backboard

Neighborhood: Beacon Hill

Total Cost: $29,980
YVYC Funds: $29,980

Project Schedule and Updates

Construction was completed in March 2020.

Please check Seattle Parks and Recreation for the latest updates.

Beacon Hill Playfield Project Map

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PARKS | Seward Park

Trail Improvements

Project Overview

Within the Seattle city limits, Seward Park boasts 300 acres of beautiful forest land, home to eagles' nests, old growth forest, a 2.4-mile bike and walking path, an amphitheater, a native plant garden, an art studio, miles of hiking trails, shoreline, beaches.

Upgrading the Seward Park trail system improves connectivity and accessibility for everyone.

Project Solutions

  • Repair or replace sections of trail that are in disrepair
  • Improve accessibility at trail entrances

Neighborhood: Seward Park

Total Cost: $90,000
YVYC Funds: $90,000

Project Schedule and Updates

Construction was completed in April 2020.

Please check Seattle Parks and Recreation for the latest updates.

Seward Park Project Map

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Adiam Emery, Interim Director
Address: 700 5th Ave, Suite 3800, Seattle, WA, 98104
Mailing Address: PO Box 34996, Seattle, WA, 98124-4996
Phone: (206) 684-7623

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