Construction Hub Coordination

We teamed up with Rooted in Rights to create a video to educate contractors and other people working in the right-of-way on the importance of maintaining a safe space for people to travel through construction sites. These tips aren't only useful for wheelchair users, they make sites safer for everyone! 

You can learn more about how to set up safe access through a construction site in How to Plan, Document, and Implement Pedestrian Mobility In and Around Work Zones (CAM 2110)

Working in a Construction Hub

Areas of dense construction are defined as "Construction Hubs" and are actively managed to ensure mobility and access to and through work zones. Currently there are five designated Hubs as shown on the map below. You may also wish to download our Access Seattle Project Coordination Hubs map.

Contractors planning to work in these areas must schedule their right-of-way impacts and construction with Construction Hub coordinators before permits can be issued. If performing work in a Construction Hub, please contact our Construction Hub team at least 10 days before work is scheduled to begin.

For information on our project reporting and planning tools, or assistance with reporting, contact Ethan Jackson at or (206) 639-0428.

CCMM manages the coordination of work in the public right of way through data collection and analysis, strategic project planning and tactical impact scheduling.

Collecting project coordination data

By Municipal Code, utility agencies are required to provide data regarding planned capital improvement projects in the right of way for the following five (5) years. We compile this information with data on public transportation and infrastructure projects in our Coordinate (formerly dotMaps) application, and present it in the SDOT Project and Construction Coordination Map. This map is an interactive tool that displays current and future construction projects in the right of way, as well as other events that may impact traffic. Please note: all agencies performing work in the right of way that is planned at least 6 months ahead (SMC 15.32.050) must enter their project information into Coordinate. For more information on how to enter project data, please visit our Project and Construction Coordination Map page. Private companies are also encouraged to participate with the incentive of potential time and cost savings.

Identifying opportunities

Organizing data in our right of way management system allows us to overlay current and planned work with development maps and the City’s various modal plans. This helps us identify opportunities for improvements called for in pedestrian, bicycle, freight and other master plans when restoration is scheduled.

Sequencing work

The planned work of multiple projects in specific areas are assessed, then project coordination groups facilitate sequencing to optimize time and cost resources. Examples include:

  • Dig the deepest hole first
  • Schedule shared utility access to trenches where possible
  • Coordinate temporary and final restoration
  • Enforce a pavement opening moratorium for five years

Construction coordination

Specific areas where multiple projects are active in close proximity are designated as Construction Hubs. Projects in these areas are subject to enhanced reporting requirements regarding their proposed right of way impacts. Hub Coordinators review these proposals to proactively identify and mitigate potential conflicts.

Our collaboration with public agencies and private companies helps better maintain Seattle’s infrastructure, saves everyone money and reduces construction impacts on the traveling public.

Program Contacts:

CCMM Program Manager: Ethan Jackson,, (206) 639-0428

Data Reporting: Craig Moore,, (206) 684-5099

Updated: 5/4/2022


Adiam Emery, Interim Director
Address: 700 5th Ave, Suite 3800, Seattle, WA, 98104
Mailing Address: PO Box 34996, Seattle, WA, 98124-4996
Phone: (206) 684-7623

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The Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) is on a mission to deliver a transportation system that provides safe and affordable access to places and opportunities for everyone as we work to achieve our vision of Seattle as a thriving, equitable community powered by dependable transportation.