Motorcycle & Scooter Parking in Seattle

Motorcycles must obey posted regulations (payment and time limits) on the block where they park, even in designated spaces. To request a new or changed motorcycle parking space, please contact us at 206-684-ROAD (7623).

This page refers to motorcycles and scooters that are required to have a license plate. For electric foot scooters, please click here
 for more information.

Motorcycles and scooters can park:

motorcycles only

  • In any parking space that a passenger car can park in, with 72-hour limit if the space is otherwise unrestricted 
  • In any paid parking space, with payment required  
  • In any space with time-limit restrictions. Must obey time limit. 
  • In Restricted Parking Zones (RPZs), motorcycle and scooter users may park without an RPZ permit.
  • In designated motorcycle parking spaces

In paid parking area:

  • Pay at the pay station.
  • Preferably use a credit card to provide record of the transaction. Write license plate on receipt and affix to headlamp.
  • OR use PayByPhone 

Motorcycles may not park:  

  • In front of fire hydrants
  • Within 5 feet of a driveway 
  • In Tow-Away Zones  
  • In load zones 
  • In spaces in front of or behind striped parking spaces (as these spaces typically provide maneuvering room that passenger cars need to enter and exit an adjacent striped space) 
  • Along curb bulbs or indentions 
  • In alleys 
  • On the sidewalk 
  • Anywhere passenger cars cannot park


Adiam Emery, Interim Director
Address: 700 5th Ave, Suite 3800, Seattle, WA, 98104
Mailing Address: PO Box 34996, Seattle, WA, 98124-4996
Phone: (206) 684-7623

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