SW Roxbury St Paving & Safety Project

Updated: March 11, 2019

What’s happening now

As an outcome of the Move Seattle assessment, reflected on page 15 of the Move Seattle Levy Updated Workplan Report published November 2018, this project has been deferred to a later year due to:

  • Rising regional construction costs
  • Federal funding uncertainty
  • Other pressing paving program priorities
  • Funding constraints

We’ll continue to review and revise our priority list of paving projects over the lifetime of the Levy to Move Seattle if additional funding is secured, if projects cost less than anticipated or to reflect our highest maintenance priorities.

We appreciate the community’s involvement during the early design of this project.

Stay in the loop by signing up for email updates. We’ll send an email once this project resumes.

Project Overview

Paving Roxbury St was included in our early Levy to Move Seattle paving plan but was deferred when the workplan was updated in late 2018.

In 2017, we had a public process to raise awareness of a project that would pave, change the lane layout, add accessible curb ramps, and do spot fixes of sidewalk along SW Roxbury St.

To view the materials we created for public communications and events, see the project materials section below.

Project Materials

Translation services and accommodations are available by request.

La ciudad de Seattle pavimenta las calles cada año, incluyendo algunas de su vecindario. Díganos cómo podríamos cambiar las calles que se pavimentarán (véase el mapa) para satisfacer mejor sus necesidades. Para solicitar la traducción de este material llame al (206) 684-8105.

Nếu quý vị cần thông tin này chuyển ngữ sang tiếng Việt, xin gọi (206) 684-8105.

Kung kailangan mo ang impormasyon na ito na nakasalin sa Tagalog, mangyari lamang na tumawag sa (206) 684-8105.

Odeeffannoon kana kabn baar baadan yootaatee lakk.bilbilaa armaan gaditti jiru fayyadamaa (206) 684-8105.

Si aad u heshid adeegyada tarjamada, fadlan wac (206) 684-8105.


Adiam Emery, Interim Director
Address: 700 5th Ave, Suite 3800, Seattle, WA, 98104
Mailing Address: PO Box 34996, Seattle, WA, 98124-4996
Phone: (206) 684-7623

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