Home Zone Funding Sources
A variety of sources can fund projects that fall under the scope of Home Zones. Some infrastructure improvements fall under SDOT's priority plans and long-term projects. However, if your project does not qualify for direct funding through SDOT, there are other sources for you to consider.
The Neighborhood Matching Fund (NMF)
This program provides matching dollars for neighborhood improvement, organizing, or projects that are developed and implemented by community members. Core to the fund is the community match, which requires awardees to match their award with contributions from the community (volunteer time, donated materials, donated professional services or cash). There are two funds within the NMF program. The Small Sparks Fund, which awards up to $5,000 and the Community Partnership Fund, which awards up to $100,000. For complex or neighborhood-wide traffic calming concerns, communities can use this program to hire a traffic consultant to complete a traffic study and offer low-cost options. Once the community develops a concept that is acceptable to them and to SDOT, we would help identify potential implementation funds. For more information on this program, please click here.
The Your Voice, Your Choice (YVYC)
This program is a participatory budgeting initiative in which Seattle residents democratically decide how to spend a portion of the City's budget on small-scale park and street improvements. Project ideas are submitted at the beginning of each year. Ideas are then reviewed by members of the community with input from SDOT and narrowed down by district. Following review, community members vote on their favorite projects in each district. The projects with the top votes are then built into the City's budget and implemented the following year. From start to finish, this process takes roughly two years. The small-scale physical improvement projects must be under $90K. Example projects include crosswalks, medians, flashing beacons, traffic calming circles, curb bulbs, sidewalk repair, curb ramps, park benches, trail improvements etc. For more information on this program, please click here.
Neighborhood Street Fund
The Neighborhood Street Fund (NSF) is a city program that enables the community to propose and help prioritize neighborhood transportation projects estimated to cost between $100k and $750k. SDOT then builds the approved projects. The projects might fall into categories such as art, community placemaking and safety improvements. They can also include basic safety improvements such as sidewalk repair, pedestrian lighting and bike facilities. To be considered, proposals are submitted to the thirteen Neighborhood District Councils for evaluation once every three years, reviewed by the Bridging the Gap Oversight Committee, and then approved by Council and Mayor. Funds come from the Levy to Move Seattle.
For additional information, click here.
For any of these funding sources, we highly reccomend that you work with SDOT to develop your application.