Project Complete
This project has been completed!
Highland Park Elementary Neighborhood Greenway
Updated March 2024
This project is complete. Thank you to everyone who told us what you thought about walking and biking around Highland Park Elementary School.
Project Overview
The Highland Park Elementary Neighborhood Greenway improves connections between the school and the surrounding neighborhood including parks, businesses, and the citywide transportation network. The new neighborhood greenway expands affordable, active transportation options for people of all ages and abilities.
What's a Neighborhood Greenway?
Neighborhood greenways are safer, calmer residential streets for you, your family, and neighbors. We make people walking and biking the priority. Neighborhood greenways can include:
- 20 mph speed limit signs
- speed humps to calm traffic
- stop signs for side streets crossing the neighborhood greenway
- signs and pavement markings to help people find their way
- easier crossings of busy streets with crosswalks, flashing beacons, or traffic signals