Lander St Bridge
Updated February 8, 2023
This project is complete!
The Lander St Bridge opened on October 7, 2020!
After nearly 2 years of construction, and many years of planning, the Lander St Bridge is a reality. The project is a milestone for the Levy to Move Seattle and is a critical safety connection for people walking, biking, and driving in SODO. To commemorate the bridge opening, we collaborated with our project partners to create a celebratory bridge opening video that documents the bridge's history and benefits.
The Project Cost and Funding section below have been updated to reflect final project cost (February 8, 2023).
If you have questions or concerns about the Lander St Bridge, please contact us at 206-684-ROAD (7623) or
For work completed, check out our construction email update archive and our major milestone project email archive.
View the time-lapse below to see how far we've come!
Project Overview
South Lander St is an essential east-west connection in Seattle's SODO neighborhood. Every day, the street serves over 13,000 vehicles, 1,400 pedestrians, 100 bicyclists, and needs to be closed over 100 times per day for train crossings. Prior to the Lander St Bridge, this active train crossing caused frequent traffic delays and posed a potential safety risk, especially for people walking and biking. As the region continues its rapid growth and rail operations in the area expand in the coming years, the S Lander St "bottleneck" put the Pacific Northwest's economic vitality at risk.
To improve local traffic circulation, rail operations, and safety, SDOT built the Lander St Bridge over the railroad tracks on S Lander St between 1st Ave S and 4th Ave S. This crossing provides a roadway unimpeded by rail operations, improve safety, and relieve congestion in Seattle's SODO neighborhood.
Project Cost and Funding
The final cost of this project was $65 million. This was revised from an initial estimate of $140 million due to several cost savings, including redesigning a narrower bridge which reduced the scale of construction and land purchasing costs. This project was funded with contributions from the Levy to Move Seattle, City of Seattle and other project partners, including the U.S. Department of Transportation, the State of Washington, Port of Seattle, and BNSF Railway.
We've been working on the Lander St Bridge project since 2016 and after 2 years of construction we're excited to see the bridge open.
2016 - 2017
- Project design
- Public outreach, feedback incorporated into design
- Project bid and awarded
- Pre-construction outreach
- Continue pre-construction outreach
- Utility relocation
- Temporary signal modifications and traffic revisions
- Lander road closure through 2020
- Water main work
- Bridge work begins
- Bridge work continues
- Build approaches to 1st Ave and 4th Ave
- Build approaches to 3rd Ave
- Complete bridge work
- Finishing work: Install lighting, paint bridge, stripe lanes, create parking under bridge, complete landscaping
- S Lander St Bridge opens to traffic after construction is completed
Frequently Asked Questions
Why is this project important?
The S Lander St Bridge will enhance mobility in this critical freight corridor and improve safety for people walking, biking, and driving.
How will the project create more reliable freight movement?
The bridge will create reliable access adjacent to one of the largest port operations in the United States. It will improve safety for the more than 3,000 freight rail cars per day on the tracks, and reduce truck delays, congestion and emissions for more than 13,000 vehicles each day including 1,400 surface freight trucks per day. This project will improve the reliability of the last-mile connections between the interstates and the Port of Seattle and area manufacturing in the Duwamish Manufacturing Industrial Council (MIC), the largest MIC in the state.
How will the bridge benefit people walking and biking?
The new bridge will feature a 14-foot walking/biking path on the north side of the bridge that is physically separated from the road. The bridge approaches will also include new curb ramps that meet current standards for accessibility.
Will this project address safety and access in the SODO neighborhood?
The project will increase safety by separating trains from people walking, biking, and driving and creates an unimpeded access point for emergency responders. The bridge also provides access between regional transit hubs and employment centers.
- Groundbreaking press release (May 2018)
- S Lander St closure flyer (May 2018)
- Access Maps (May 2018)
- Fact Sheet (May 2018)
- SODO BIO Transportation Committee briefing presentation (March 21, 2018)
- Media Event Materials (August 16, 2017)
- Fact Sheet (Summer 2017)
- Open House Boards (March 2017)
- Open House Presentation (September 2016)
- Traffic Report (August 2016)
State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) Review
The Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) determined that the S Lander St Grade Separation and Railway Safety Project will not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. As a result, SDOT issued a Determination of Non-significance on May 11, 2017. The DNS, Categorical Exclusion Worksheet, and supporting documents may be examined through the links below.
Categorical Exclusion Worksheet
Introduction and Project Description
Cultural Resources Assessment
Hazardous Materials Discipline Report
Noise Discipline Report
Visual Impact Assessment
Social Effects and Environmental Justice Discipline Report
Transportation Discipline Report