Permitting Information

The City offers permits that may be required for projects. Examples of permits the City offers include:

  • New construction
  • Reconstruction and remodeling
  • Street Use permit
  • Events permit
  • Utility development services
  • Rental housing registration
  • Building and property complaints

The information collected as part of the permitting process is related to the type of work and is required for approval according to City standards.  

Examples of Permitting Information

  • Address of permit use location
  • Contact information
  • Type and duration of permit

Using Permitting Information

Permitting information is used for processing various types of required permits including but not limited to building, renovation, construction permits, street use permits, and others. The contact information you provide may also be used to contact you about your permit.

Protections for Permitting Information

Permitting information is subject to disclosure by the Washington Public Records Act (RCW 42.56). This helps to ensure transparency and accountability in services provided by the city. The Privacy Principles guide the City's collection and management of permitting information. 

Information Technology

Rob Lloyd, Chief Technology Officer
Address: 700 5th Ave, Suite 2700, Seattle, WA, 98104
Mailing Address: PO Box 94709, Seattle, WA, 98124-4709
Phone: (206) 684-0600
Phone Alt: Cable TV & Internet Discount Information: (206) 684-8498

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