Floodplain Development Regulations Update - Timeline

Floodplain Development Regulations


Initiation: February 2020, FEMA published a Flood Hazard Determination adopting a new Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) and Flood Insurance Study (FIS) for Seattle

Phase 1 - Interim Floodplain Development Regulations:

  • Addressed the FEMA required changes to meet the requirements of the National Flood Insurance Program regulations in Title 44 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) sections 60.3.c, d, and e
  • FEMA review of draft interim regulations April in July 2020
  • City Council adopted Interim Floodplain Development Regulations on July 20, 2020
  • Floodplain Development Regulations effective date of August 23, 2020
  • Public Hearing on adopted Interim Floodplain Development Regulations on September 9, 2020

Phase 2 – 1st Extension of Interim Floodplain Development Regulations, Fall 2020/Winter 2021:

  • City Council Land Use and Neighborhoods Committee briefing on extending the Interim Floodplain Development Regulations on December 13, 2020
  • Public Hearing on adopted Interim Floodplain Development Regulations on January 13, 2021
  • City Council Adopted extension of Interim Regulations February 2021 

Phase 3 – SEPA Analysis and Decision for the Proposed Permanent Floodplain Development Regulations, 2021:

  • Addressed items that were not required by FEMA but may facilitate easier implementation of the Floodplain Development Regulations
  • Conducted analysis on properties that are mapped by SPU as "flood prone" but not mapped by FEMA to determine if additional areas need to be included in the regulations
  • FEMA reviewed the proposed changes to the interim Floodplain Development Regulations
  • SEPA process including July 2021 appeal
  • Public comment period and public meetings

Phase 4 – 2nd Extension of Interim Floodplain Development Regulations, Winter 2022: 

  • City Council Land Use and Neighborhoods Committee briefing and Public Hearing on extending the Interim Floodplain Development Regulations on February 9, 2022
  • City Council Adopts Extension of Interim Regulations February 2022.

Phase 5 – 3rd  Extension of Interim Floodplain Development Regulations, Summer  2022: 

  • Public Hearing and Full Council vote to extend the Interim Floodplain Development Regulations on August 9, 2022

Phase 6 – 4th  Extension of Interim Floodplain Development Regulations, Winter 2023: 

  • Public Hearing and Full Council vote to extend the Interim Floodplain Development Regulations on February 14, 2023

Phase 7 – 5th  Extension of Interim Floodplain Development Regulations, Summer 2023: 

  • Public Hearing and Full Council vote to extend the Interim Floodplain Development Regulations on August 15, 2023

Phase 8 – 6th Extension of Interim Floodplain Development Regulations, Winter 2024:

  • Public Hearing and Full Council vote to extend the Interim Floodplain Development Regulations on February 13, 2024

Phase 9 – 7th Extension of Interim Floodplain Development Regulations, Summer 2024:

  • Public Hearing and Full Council vote to extend the Interim Floodplain Development Regulations in August 2024

Phase 10 – Will include a new SEPA analysis and decision and the legislative process and adoption of Permanent Floodplain Development Regulations in 2024

Construction and Inspections

Nathan Torgelson, Director
Address: 700 5th Ave, Suite 2000, Seattle, WA, 98104
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 34019, Seattle, WA, 98124-4019
Phone: (206) 684-8600
Phone Alt: Violation Complaint Line: (206) 615-0808
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