After a Collision

After a Collision

  • If you are involved in or witness an auto accident where medical or police assistance is needed, call 9-1-1.
  • If you pass an auto accident and it does not appear that assistance is needed, or you see involved parties on a wireless phone, or emergency personnel have already arrived, please do not call 9-1-1.

If the collision is minor and you don't need police response:

  • You should exchange insurance information. 
  • You can report collisions online via the Collision Report with Washington State Patrol 
  • If there is over $1,000, you are required by law to report the collision to the Washington State Patrol. 

If you need a copy of your collision report for your insurance:

  • Washington State Patrol is the custodian of all collision reports within the State of Washington. 
  • You can request a copy of any collision report through their website
  • If you were in a collision outside of Seattle City limits, you can contact the local agency where the collision occurred, or you can search the WSP Collision Report Search application. 


Shon Barnes, Interim Chief of Police
Address: 610 5th Avenue, Seattle, WA, 98104-1900
Mailing Address: PO Box 34986, Seattle, WA, 98124-4986
Phone: (206) 625-5011
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The Seattle Police Department (SPD) prevents crime, enforces laws, and supports quality public safety by delivering respectful, professional, and dependable police services. SPD operates within a framework that divides the city into five geographical areas called "precincts".