Irrigation and Water Usage

We're always working to conserve our natural resources and preserve our watershed. Please report any leaks or other water issues you see in Seattle parks to the Parks Jobline at (206) 684-7250 or e-mail

Here's what we're doing at Parks:

  • Inspecting and repairing our irrigation systems.
  • Implementing parts of our water shortage plan, which enables us to use much less water while protecting our valuable landscape assets.
  • Suspend new landscape installations until the shortage is lifted or rain is enough for new plants.
  • Discontinue washing City vehicles.
  • Giving careful consideration to, and preparing to make changes in, how we use water for our wading pool program, our irrigation systems, and cleaning hard surfaces, should the shortage get worse.
  • Following these tips from Seattle Public Utilities on how to use water wisely; we hope you'll follow them at home too.

    • Put shutoff valves on outdoor hoses, and use them!
    • Don't leave water running in sinks when you don't need it.
    • Use water diffusers on sink faucets.
    • Wash only full loads of clothes.
    • Fix leaking toilets and faucets.

Water Shortage Contingency Plan

This plan provides guidelines for a systematic response, should the need arise, to reduce demand in the event of a water supply disruption or weather related water shortage.

Seattle Public Utilities Water Shortage Contingency Plan:

Parks and Recreation

AP Diaz, Superintendent
Mailing Address: 100 Dexter Ave N, Seattle, WA, 98109
Phone: (206) 684-4075
Fax: (206) 615-1813

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