Pike / Pine Conservation District

What's Happening Now?

The Pike / Pine Conservation Overlay District was amended in June, 2014 to strengthen measures for maintaining and enhancing the character of the Pike / Pine neighborhood. This amendment was the end of the fourth phase of this project. In 2017, the Pike / Pine neighborhood design guidelines were updated and adopted by City Council. View the neighborhood design guidelines here.

Project Goals

We are maintaining the uniqueness of the Pike / Pine neighborhood by using incentives to:

  • Encourage creative ways to preserve existing buildings
  • Support small businesses
  • Preserve neighborhood character

End Result

Pike / Pine will retain its unique neighborhood character, including its early “auto-row” architecture, small businesses, and concentration of arts activities, while continuing to develop as a successful, high density, mixed use neighborhood.

Previous Actions

In July, 2009, the City Council expanded the boundaries of the original Pike / Pine Overlay District and created the Pike / Pine Conservation Overlay District. New provisions limited the size of new development and encouraged projects to keep existing older structures, identified in the Code as character structures.

A second phase of work, adopted in 2010, updated the neighborhood design guidelines. The new guidelines related to height, bulk, and scale, and addressed the type of development promoted by the 2009 legislation. Adjustments to the 2009 standards were also made to clarify the new guidelines and make them more consistent with neighborhood objectives.

The third phase, adopted in 2011, established a program for the Transfer of Development Potential (TDP) within the Pike / Pine Conservation Overlay District. A TDP provides incentives for property owners to keep existing “character structures” rather than tear them down. A Conservation Core was also established within the district to further ensure that new development is more compatible with the special scale and character of existing development in this critical area.

Pike / Pine Phase 4 — 2014 Amendments

Amendments to the Pike / Pine Conservation Overlay District, adopted in June 2014, respond to problems that surfaced during the recent development boom. The area saw more development on sites that were much larger than we had anticipated. The amendments to the overlay district will help maintain the character of the neighborhood. At the same time, the new rules accommodate growth in the area and will allow for a more balanced mix of uses.

Pike / Pine Phase 3 — Transfer of Development Potential

Completed December 2011

In Phase 3 we established a Transfer of Development Potential program that created additional incentives to preserve the character of Pike / Pine.

Pike / Pine Phase 2 — Design Guidelines

Completed September 2010

In Phase 2 we revised Neighborhood Design Guidelines for Pike / Pine to support conservation efforts for older buildings, and to clarify the community priorities.

Pike / Pine Phase 1 — Overlay District

Completed June 2009

During Phase 1 we expanded the Pike / Pine Overlay District and renamed it to add “Conservation” to its title. We also added incentives to encourage new projects to retain existing buildings and to provide spaces for small businesses and arts facilities.

Other Resources

Planning and Community Development

Rico Quirindongo, Director
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 94788, Seattle, WA, 98124-7088
Phone: (206) 386-1010

The Office of Planning and Community Development (OPCD) develops policies and plans for an equitable and sustainable future. We partner with neighborhoods, businesses, agencies and others to bring about positive change and coordinate investments for our Seattle communities.