Crown Hill Urban Village

Proposed Crown Hill Urban Village Design Guidelines

In response to community feedback, we refined the Crown Hill Design Guidelines. These Design Guidelines will shape future development to enhance the character of the neighborhood and promote the qualities in the built environment that the community values.

The Seattle City Council’s Land Use Committee will be holding a hearing on proposed legislation to adopt the Crown Hill Design Guidelines.

On July 14, 2022 we published the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) Determination of Non-Significance for the draft legislation.

The Crown Hill Urban Village Action Plan

Through community workshops, online interviews, focus groups, in-person interviews, tabling at events, and door-to-door canvassing, we connected with an estimated 300 community members who live, work, play, and use services in the CHUV. We connected with renters, homeowners, property managers, business owners, people who drive, people who depend on transit, youth, and non-profits. Throughout the process, Crown Hill neighbors shared creative ideas, worked together to find solutions, and provided feedback based on lived experience and local knowledge. The Crown Hill Urban Village Action Plan articulates the community's goals, visions, and priorities for guiding growth to achieve a connected, thriving and livable neighborhood for current and future generations. With this Plan as a roadmap, the City and Crown Hill residents, developers, and business owners can work together to realize a shared vision for the Crown Hill Urban Village.

Want to learn more about the Crown Hill Urban Village and the community planning process?

  • Check out the materials from the workshops and read about what we've heard so far, and how ideas have continued to be refined in the Project Documents page
  • Check out our interactive story map full of information about the neighborhood and about community planning; or
  • For more background, see our community planning overview.
  • See the anticipated project timeline.

What's Happened So Far?

Background & Data Sharing
We created an online story map to share data and trends about the Crown Hill Urban Village, and get your preliminary feedback on challenges and opportunities in the neighborhood.

Online Survey #1: Community Assets, Issues and Opportunities (Oct - Dec. 2018)
Over 220 people responded to help us identify what is in the area now, what the community needs, and how they want to see things improved. See the results here.

Community Workshop #1: Information & Ideas (Oct. 13, 2018) 
The first community workshop on October 13 focused sharing information and data on Crown Hill, and getting ideas from community members about what you want the neighborhood to be in the future. If you couldn't make it, you can view PDFs of the boards.

Community Workshop #2: Exploring Solutions (March 3, 2019)
The second workshop was about exploring strategies to address community priorities. City staff provided ideas based on what we heard from you at the first workshop, and you all helped provide feedback to improve these strategies. View PDFs of the boards, or summary notes.

Online Survey #2 (March - May 2019)
This online survey was a way for community members who couldn't make it to the workshop to provide input. You can read those survey results here.

Workshop #3: Refine & Prioritize (June 23, 2019)
We asked you to help refine and develop ideas into policies, strategies, and actions. We asked for your feedback on desired design outcomes for future buildings and streets in specific places so that City staff can develop policies that guide future development and investments.

View PDFs of the boards from the workshop and read the summary notes.

Online Survey #3 (July - August 2019) 
This online survey was a way for community members who couldn't make it to the workshop to provide input. You can read those survey results here.

Community Work+Party 4 (December 8, 2019)
At the final workshop, we asked you for feedback on the strategies included in the draft Action Plan and celebrated a year of working together! Staff will work to incorporate your comments into the draft Plan. View the PDFs of the boards, or read the summary notes.

Online Survey #4 (Nov-Dec 2021)
This online survey asked for feedback on the strategies and actions in the draft Action Plan, and asked community to rank what action items they thought were priorities. Read the survey results.

Design Guidelines Survey (June-July 2022)
Our survey responds to what we heard and is an opportunity for the Crown Hill community to weigh in on what design approaches will help ensure the design of new development achieves the community’s vision.

Project Goals

The City and community will work to develop a Community Action Plan that identifies priority issues and opportunities in the neighborhood. The plan will result in recommendations and specific steps the City and community can take to foster a vibrant, walkable, and healthy neighborhood.

We've heard the following themes during previous community conversations, and will continue to engage with the community on these and other issues:

  • Create a walkable town center with a variety of businesses and services
  • Improve pedestrian and bicycle connections, especially to parks, schools, and transit
  • Foster safe, and engaging public spaces and streetscapes
  • Add and retain affordable housing in the neighborhood
  • Improve stormwater drainage
  • Shape new development to benefit the neighborhood
  • Balance growth with livability

Previous Outreach and Engagement

A series of four Community Workshops were held from October 2018 - June 2019 to provide a place to collaborate on developing an action plan around key priorities and to guide growth and coordinate investments in livability in the Crown Hill Urban Village.

  • Learn about the Crown Hill Urban Village with an interactive online storymap.
  • Visit our Project Documents page to see information shared at our workshops, comments from participants, and survey results.

Proposed Crown Hill Urban Village Design Guidelines

On July 14 2022 we published the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) Determination of Non-Significance for the draft legislation, draft Crown Hill Urban Village Design Guidelines and a Director's Report.

Crown Hill Urban Village Action Plan

Online Survey #4: Feedback & Prioritizing

Community Work+Party #4

Online Survey #3: Refine and Prioritize

Community Workshop #3: Refine and Prioritize

Community Workshop #2: Exploring Emerging Directions

Online Survey #2: Exploring Ideas for the Future of Crown Hill

Community Workshop #1: Learn, Listen & Vision

Online Survey: Community Assets, Issues and Opportunities

Community Planning in Crown Hill

  • Read our brochure for our community planning timeline for the neighborhood.
  • Check out the online story map for background information and data about the Crown Hill Urban Village.

Project Timeline

Crown Hill project timeline

Planning and Community Development

Rico Quirindongo, Director
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 94788, Seattle, WA, 98124-7088
Phone: (206) 386-1010

The Office of Planning and Community Development (OPCD) develops policies and plans for an equitable and sustainable future. We partner with neighborhoods, businesses, agencies and others to bring about positive change and coordinate investments for our Seattle communities.