What We Do
2019 Work Plan
The Seattle LGBTQ Commission aims to make particular headway in the following areas:
Housing, Homelessness, and Affordability - In the city of Seattle, housing instability is a major issue; in fact, a state of emergency regarding homelessness was declared in 2015, and the problem has only worsened. LGBTQ+ identities are overrepresented in homeless populations, especially among unaccompanied youth. Additionally, LGBTQ+ individuals face additional structural barriers to shelter and services, and elderly LGBTQ+ individuals face housing instability and isolation challenges.
Healthcare Access - LGBTQ+ individuals, especially trans and non-binary folks, have unique healthcare needs that are often unmet. Lack of insurance coverage, lack of LGBTQ+-qualified providers, and stigma can cause even those who have some amount of access to not seek services.
Amplifying and responding to Community - Community organizations are already doing amazing work on behalf of the LGBTQ+ population and within housing and healthcare spheres, and the Seattle LGBTQ Commission aims to increase outreach and partnership to these organizations to serve as a bridge to city government. Additionally, the Commission will be responsive to community needs and requests in areas not included in the above as opportunities arise. With these three focus areas in mind, the Seattle LGBTQ Commission's goal is to lead their work with a trans and racial equity lens. The Committees below are formed in order to work to these goals, with the expectation that ad-hoc committees can be created as needed.
Standing Committees - Commission Operations; People of Color Stakeholders; Social Media & Communications; and Outreach and Community Engagement