Bridging the Gap Request for Proposals
The City of Seattle Human Services Department (HSD) is offering $1.3 million in funding to leverage collaboration, partnerships, donations, and other resources to develop 100 new shelter beds and storage solutions specifically for people living unsheltered. The funding for this Request for Proposals (RFP) is part of "Bridging the Gap" to Pathways Home, Seattle's person-centered plan to support people experiencing homelessness.
Approximately $1.1 million is available to fund facility operations, capital/facility improvements and repairs, and client services for 100 new shelter beds which will be dedicated to referrals from city-funded outreach teams. This could fund one new shelter, several new shelters, expanded beds at an existing evening or daytime shelter, or some combination of the above. Approximately $200,000 is available to fund storage opportunities for people experiencing homelessness. Storage can be added to an existing emergency shelter program or a new shelter program.
Those with questions are encouraged to attend an information session Wednesday, December 21, 2016 from 9:00am to 11:00am:
The 2100 Building
2100 24th Ave. S
Seattle, WA 98144
The application deadline for proposals is Friday, January 20, 2017 at 12:00pm (noon). Please contact Tara Beck for any accommodation requests.