Director's Rules

Animal-related director's rules

Title City Clerk File No. Rule No.
Implementing Seattle Horse-Drawn Carriage Ordinance 309892 6.315.003
Live Animal Trapping Permit 313256 9.25.030A
Seattle Animal Control Spay and Neuter Deposit 302673 N/A
Animal Shelter Adoption Fees 321052 SAS-01
Spay and Neuter Surgery - Additional Fees 321173 SAS-02

Cannabis business director's rules

Title City Clerk File No. Rule No.
Cannabis Business Regulations 323281 CBR-017-2025, CBR-075-2025, CBR-077-2025, CBR-079-2025, CBR-080-2025, CBR-083-2025, CBR-085-2025, CBR-086-2025, CBR-087-2025, CBR-095-2025, CBR-096-2025, CBR-099-2025, CBR-105-2025, CBR-1055-2025, CBR-106-2025, CBR-110-2025, CBR-147-2025, CBR-150-2025, CBR-155-2025, CBR-310-2025, CBR-410-2025, CBR-415-2025
Social Equity Applicant 322860 CBR-1-2023

City buildings and Civic Center director's rules

Title City Clerk File No. Rule No.
City Hall, City Hall Plaza and Other Adjacent Premises 307221 5-02, 5-02 Clarification
Municipal Core Area Parking Procedures
View Parking Rates
307560 2023-06-01
City Buildings and Premises: Access, Operating Hours and Rules of Conduct 307665 6-03

Consultant/purchasing director's rules

Title City Clerk File No. Rule No.
Rules Establishing Exceptions to City Purchases of Goods and Services 320017 FAS-01-15

Encampment- and homelessness-related director's rules

Title City Clerk File No. Rule No.
Unauthorized camping on City properties, enforcement procedures and removal of unauthorized property 320204 FAS 17-01
Operating Hours for City Properties, unauthorized camping on City properties, enforcement procedures and removal of unauthorized property 320205 MDAR 17-01

For-hire driver collective bargaining director's rules

Title City Clerk File No. Rule No.
Qualifying Driver and Lists of Qualifying Drivers 320270 FHDR-1
Application Process for Designating a Qualified Driver Representative 320271 FHDR-2
Certification of an Exclusive Driver Representative 320272 FHDR-3
Subjects of Bargaining between a Driver Coordinator and an Exclusive Driver Representative 320273 FHDR-4
Interest Arbitration 320274 FHDR-5
Approval of an Agreement, Changes to an Existing Agreement and Withdrawal of an Existing Agreement 320275 FHDR-6
Renewal Application Process for a Qualified Driver Representative 320276 FHDR-7
Decertification of an Exclusive Driver Representative 320277 FHDR-8
Enforcement Powers of the Director 320278 FHDR-9
Commencement Dates 320279 FHDR-10

Impound-related director's rules

Title City Clerk File No. Rule No.
Police Impound Administrative Fees 319306 CPU-03-2015
Maximum Private Impound Fees 323003 Clerk File 323003
City Impound Fee 319308 CPU-05-2015

Public records and public disclosure director's rules

Title City Clerk File No. Rule No.
Public Disclosure Fees 320349 MDAR 17-0001
Citywide Policy on Public Disclosure 320350 MDAR 17-0002

Seattle business tax ordinance director's rules

Title City Clerk File No. Rule No.
Business License Tax Requirements 321525 5-002
Business License Suspension and Revocation 319877 5-003
Transfer of a Business License 319878 5-004
Time Payments 319879 5-005
Tax Returns - Filing and Payment 321526 5-006
Penalties 322716 5-007
Record-Keeping Requirements 319881 5-008
Limitations on Tax Assessments 319882 5-009
Refunds 319883 5-012
Persons Making Sales Through a Direct Seller's Representative 319884 5-030
Measure of Tax - Retailers and Wholesalers 309763 5-031
Measure of Tax - Service and Other Business Activities 321527 5-032
When Tax Liability Arises 308773 5-033
Finance Charges, Carrying Charges, Interest and Penalties 319885 5-034
Freight and Delivery Charges 307453 5-035
Accounting Methods 308773 5-037
Effect of Rate Changes on Prior Contracts and Sales Agreements 309765 5-038
Employees Distinguished from Persons Engaging in Business 319886 5-039
Corporations, Massachusetts Trust 307453 5-040
Successor Liability 308773 5-042
Engaging in Business 319887 5-043
Value of Products 308773 5-044
Allocation and Apportionment Methods 321528 5-045
Valuing the Measure of the Tax for Business Activities between Related, Controlled or Affiliated Persons 310907 5-046
Apportionment of Service Receipts 321529 5-047
Implementing Seattle Business Tax Ordinance Relating to Intrastate, Interstate and Foreign Selling Activity; Inbound and Outbound Sales of Tangible Personal Property from or to Persons Outside the City of Seattle, Including Those Persons in Other States or Foreign Countries 309768 5-060
Returned Goods, Allowances, Cash Discounts 307453 5-063
Credit Losses, Bad Debts, Recoveries 319888 5-064
Taxes - Deductible and Nondeductible 308773 5-065
Non-Business Income - Grants, Bona Fide Initiative Fees, Dues, Contributions, Tuition Fees and Endowment Funds 309769 5-066
Accommodation Sales, Exchange of Fungible Products 308773 5-067
Pool Purchases 308773 5-068
Life Science Research Deduction 312567 5-069
Extracting Natural Products 307453 5-100
Manufacturing and Processing for Hire 309770 5-111
Commercial or Industrial Use 307453 5-112
Casual or Isolated Sales 310906 5-125
Conditional and Installment Sales, Method of Reporting 309125 5-126
Sales to, and by, the State of Washington, Counties, Cities, School Districts and Other Municipal Subdivisions 319889 5-127
Tribes and Tribal Members/Citizens 319890 5-129
Selling Price - Advertised Prices Including Sales Tax 307453 5-130
Trade-Ins, Selling Price, Sellers' Tax Measures 307453 5-131
Leased Departments 319891 5-132
Warranties and Maintenance Agreements 322717 5-133
Interstate Activities of Waterborne Transportation 319894 5-193
Installing, Cleaning, Repairing or Otherwise Altering or Improving Personal Property of Consumers 308773 5-275
Constructing and Repairing of New or Existing Buildings or Other Structures Upon Real Property (Including Property Owned by Governmental Entities) 308773 5-276
Clearing Land, Moving Earth, Cleaning, Fumigating, Razing or Moving Existing Buildings and Janitorial Services 309125 5-277
Telecommunications Service, Telephone Business and Telephone Service 309125 5-300
Sales of Meals 319893 5-404
Restaurants, Cocktail Bars, Taverns and Similar Businesses 307453 5-405
Motor Carriers - Trucking 307453 5-481
Computer Software 322718 5-500
Computer Hardware 322719 5-501
Taxation of Information Services and Computer-Related Services 322720 5-502
Digital Products 322721 5-503
Stock Brokers and Security Houses 314088 5-521
International Investment Management Services 314089 5-522
Sales of Precious Metal Bullion and Monetized Bullion 307453 5-523
Abstract, Title Insurance and Escrow Businesses 309771 5-524
Sale or Rental of Real Estate, License to Use Real Estate 307453 5-530
Sales of Real Property, Standing Timber, Minerals, Natural Resources 319896 5-531
Real Estate Brokers and Salesman 307453 5-532
Leases or Rentals of Tangible Personal Property; Financing Leases 309125 5-536
Educational Institutions, School Districts, Student Organizations, Private Schools and Child Care Services 307453 5-600
Hospitals, Other Medical Care Facilities and Adult Family Homes 314090 5-620
Amusement, Recreation and Physical Fitness Services 307453 5-700
Coin-Operated Vending Machines, Amusement Devices and Service Machines 307453 5-702
Hotels, Motels, Boarding Houses, Rooming Houses, Resorts, Summer Camps, Trailer Camps, etc. 307453 5-720
Personal Services, Service Activities 309125 5-801
Legal, Arbitration and Mediation Services 309772 5-802
Consignees, Bailees, Factors, Agents and Auctioneers of Tangible Personal Property 307453 5-803
Staffing Business, Staffing Services 308773 5-804
Advertising Agencies 307453 5-806
Outdoor Advertising and Advertising Display Services 307453 5-807
Laundry, Dry Cleaning, Linen and Uniform Supply and Self-Service and Coin-Operated Laundry Services 309773 5-809
Publishers of Newspapers, Magazines and Periodicals 309774 5-810
Admission Tax for Nightclubs 309125 5-900
Admission Tax Exemption for Music Venues 319897 5-901
Exemptions, Deductions and Credits Available under the Employee Hours Tax 309125 5-921
Parking Tax Computations 309775 5-925
Square Footage Business Tax (Square Footage Tax) 309387 5-930
Sweetened Beverage Tax 320492 5-953
Heating Oil Tax 321756 5-960
Transportation Network Company (TNC) Tax 321891 5-970
Payroll Expense Tax 322022 5-980
Information Requests - Aggregation and Confidentiality 322722 5-990

Short-term rentals director's rules

Title City Clerk File No. Rule No.
Primary residence 321078 STR-1
Monitoring listings for compliance 322053 STR-2
Licenses and license applications 321080 STR-3
Short-term rental platforms general provisions 322054 STR-4
Licensing fees 321082 STR-5
Short-term rental regulations and public disclosure 321083 STR-6
120-day implementation period 321084 STR-7

Surplus materials director's rules

Title City Clerk File No. Rule No.
Disposition of Surplus Materials, Supplies and Equipment Other than Real Property 308138 7-01

Taxicab, for-hire and TNC vehicle director's rules

Title City Clerk File No. Rule No.
Reimburesement for Taxicab and For-Hire Vehicle Owners and Drivers from the Wheelchair Accessible Services Fund 323073 FOR-HIRE TRANSPORTATION-08-2024
Reimburesement for Transportation Network Company Vehicle Owners and Drivers from the Wheelchair Accessible Services Fund 323074 FOR-HIRE TRANSPORTATION-09-2024
Wheelchair Accessible Services Surcharge for Taxicab and For-Hire Vehicle Medallion Owners 323152 FOR-HIRE TRANSPORTATION-17-2024
Wheelchair Accessible Services Surcharge for Transportation Network Companies 323153 FOR-HIRE TRANSPORTATION-18-2024
TNC License Fee 322516 FOR-HIRE-TRANSPORTATION-01-2023
Transportation Network Company (TNC) License, Vehicle Endorsement and for For-Hire Driver’s License Fees 314168 R-6.310.150.B
Fares and Rates for Taxicabs and For-Hire Vehicles 323198 FOR-HIRE-TRANSPORTATION-11-2024
Medallion Lottery Eligibility, Procedures and Awardee Requirements 320021 CPU-09.1-2016
Taxicab and For-Hire Vehicle Medallion Leases 323151 FOR-HIRE TRANSPORTATION-15-2024
Dual Medallion Splitting 323069 FOR-HIRE TRANSPORTATION-04-2024
Temporarily Deactivating a Medallion 323070 FOR-HIRE TRANSPORTATION-05-2024
Uniform Vehicle Safety Inspection Report, Approved Mechanics and Failed Field Inspections for Transportation Network Company Vehicles 323068 FOR-HIRE TRANSPORTATION-03-2024
Uniform Vehicle Safety Inspections for Taxicabs and For-Hire Vehicles 323067 FOR-HIRE TRANSPORTATION-02-2024
Uniform Color Schemes and Exterior and Interior Markings for Vehicles 323071 FOR-HIRE TRANSPORTATION-06-2024
Vehicle Size and Fuel 323150 FOR-HIRE TRANSPORTATION-14-2024
Leasing a Taxicab or For-Hire Vehicle 323199 FOR-HIRE TRANSPORTATION-16-2024
Taximeters and Smart Taximeters 323072 FOR-HIRE TRANSPORTATION-07-2024
Application Dispatch Systems Used by Transportation Network Companies 323148 FOR-HIRE TRANSPORTATION-12-2024
Application Dispatch Systems Used by Transitional Regional Dispatch Agencies and Regional Dispatch Agencies 323149 FOR-HIRE TRANSPORTATION-13-2024
Regional For-Hire Driver’s License Training Requirements 323200 FOR-HIRE TRANSPORTATION-19-2024
Rule rescinding 16 director's rules (either superseded or due to code changes) 320022 CPU-13-2016
Rescinding 15 FAS Director's Rules 323066 FOR-HIRE TRANSPORTATION-01-2024

Treasury services director's rules

Title City Clerk File No. Rule No.
Establishing Convenience Fees for Remote Payment Transactions 303034 99-1

 Consumer protection director's rules

Title City Clerk File No. Rule No.
Public Health Requirements for Seattle Businesses 321748 Public Health Requirements for Seattle Businesses 01-2020
Used Goods - Acceptable means to record transactions  321622 Used Goods-01-2020