Resilience District Advisory Group Meetings & Materials
Advisory Group Overview
Over the next two years, the City will conduct broad engagement of Georgetown and South Park communities and convene an advisory group for the Resilience District to oversee the work. The advisory group will contain representatives from community members, community-based organizations, and industrial businesses in the Duwamish Valley. The advisory group will ensure those most affected by climate change - and those who currently tend to benefit the least from environmental and capital investments - guide the planning, design, and implementation of these programs and investments.
Among other things, the advisory group will help shape a (1) sea level rise adaptation strategy, (2) advise on the best ways to finance and fund infrastructure projects, and (3) help enhance partnerships with City departments, non-City agencies, philanthropy, and better connect community-based solutions into government.
The advisory group members will serve for approximately two (2) year and are expected to attend monthly meetings (at most), review materials prior to meetings, provide guidance and advice, and collaborate with other advisory group members. The advisory group will also have chance to participate in optional (but recommended) broad community engagement efforts.
Members will dedicate approximately 5-10 hours per month to the advisory group and will receive a stipend of $4,000 for their participation.