About Us

Our Mission:

Our mission is to ensure a clean and healthy environment for every resident of Seattle. We prioritize those currently and historically harmed by racial, economic and environmental injustice and serve as cross-departmental and community collaborators, innovators, and drivers of cutting-edge city policy.   

Our Focus Areas

Climate Change
Meeting the Climate Challenge

We reduce carbon pollution through transportation and building electrification. We are implementing low-pollution neighborhoods to improve air and water quality, mobility, and community health.   

Advancing Climate & Environmental Justice

Across all our work, we center frontline communities who are facing the greatest burden from climate change impacts. Together with community-based organizations, we are building more resilient communities and an inclusive climate workforce to support an equitable shift to renewable energy.

Food Policy & Programs
Supporting Healthy & Sustainable Food Systems

We are advancing food justice by improving access to healthy food in schools and at home, economic opportunities, and sustainable food practices. 

Seattle Trees and Forests
Protecting Seattle’s Trees & Forests

We preserve Seattle’s current trees and work to grow the urban tree canopy, particularly in the neighborhoods with disproportionately less tree cover. 

Boards & Commissions

OSE supports three boards & commissions that advise the City on various initiatives and policies. 

Green New Deal Oversight Board

  • The Nineteen appointed members bring their passion for climate justice and an equitable transition to renewable energy to advise the City’s Green New Deal. Their work includes providing budget recommendations and proposals for the design of new policies, programs and projects or modifications to current ones. 

Sweetened Beverage Tax Community Advisory Board

  • The eleven appointed members advise and make recommendations to the Mayor and City Council on programs and services supported by the tax revenue generated from sweetened beverages 

Urban Forestry Commission

  • The thirteen appointed members create annual recommendations to the Mayor and City Council about policies and regulations for the protection, management, and conservation of trees and vegetation in the City of Seattle. 

Sustainability and Environment

Jessyn Farrell, Director
Address: 700 5th Avenue, #1868, Seattle, WA, 98104
Mailing Address: PO Box 94729, Seattle, WA, 98124-4729
Phone: (206) 256-5158

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We collaborate with City agencies, business groups, nonprofit organizations, and other partners to protect and enhance Seattle's distinctive environmental quality and livability.