Pay at Customer Service Center
Payments can be made in person on the first floor of the Seattle Municipal Court, placed in the secure drop box located to the right of the main doors of the courthouse, or paid during business hours at a Seattle Customer Service Center.
Customer Service Centers
There are seven (7) Customer Service Centers, formerly known as Neighborhood Service Centers, located throughout the city. They provide payment and information services for a number of City of Seattle services including payment of traffic and parking tickets, pet licenses, City Light and combined utility bills, U.S. passport applications (except the downtown SMT Customer Service Center), or to find information about City of Seattle jobs.
Court Services at Customer Service Centers
At the Customer Service Centers you may pay:
- Parking tickets - If paid within thirty (30) days of issue date.
- Traffic camera tickets - If paid within thirty-three (33) days of receipt.
- Parking and traffic camera default postcards - If paid on or before the notice due date.
- Other infractions - If paid within thirty (30) days of issue date.
- Court Time Pay Agreement - If paid on or before due date.
- Pre Trial Diversion payments (PTD).
Customer Service Centers accept cash, check or money orders. Debit/credit cards are not accepted.
You cannot pay:
- Restitution payments.
- Payments on items that have been referred to a collection agency.
- Payments for citations where a defendant is attempting to immediately renew drivers license or auto license.
- Citations and or cases with future court dates.
Customer Service Centers
Ballard Service Center |
Central Service Center |
Downtown Service Center |
Lake City Service Center |
Southeast Service Center |
Southwest Service Center |
University Service Center |