Most of the electricity we provide to customers comes from several utility-owned hydroelectric resources located in the Pacific Northwest. To make up the difference, we purchase any additional power needed from other energy providers.
City Light Energy Resources
Map Key:
City Light owned hydropower
Treaty rights from British Columbia
Long-term hydropower contracts (CBH is Columbia Basin Hydropower)
Other long-term contracts
To maintain our carbon-neutral status, we purchase Renewable Energy Credits (RECs) to offset carbon from energy purchased from other providers. We also invest in energy conservation that minimizes electricity demand.
How Energy Gets to Your Home or Business
Electricity is delivered to your home or business through our extensive network of transmission towers, substations, and distribution lines.

owned by City Light

in City Light service territory
2,330.9 miles
of distribution circuit
461,496 meters
in City Light service territory
Power Transmission and Distribution
- Power is generated from the dam and powerhouse
- Substation transformer steps up the voltage for transmission
- Transmission lines carry electricity long distances
- Neighborhood substation transformer steps down voltage
- Distribution lines carry electricity to residents
- Transformers on poles step down electricity before entering residence
- Service lines deliver power from the pole to the residence
Where Does Your Power Come From?
Over 80% of the power we deliver is generated from clean, carbon-free hydroelectricity. In a typical year, about 40% of our power comes from our fully owned hydroelectric projects on the Skagit and Pend Oreille Rivers. The remaining power is generated from a mix of power sources purchased from the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) and other renewable sources.