Financial Policies

Seattle's investments, debt management and budgeting practices are guided by a series of financial policies

Financial Policies

Financial Policy
Topic Area
Council Adopted
General Debt Management Adopts updated Debt Management Policies for the City of Seattle.
Amendment to
Reso 30345
Adopts updated Debt Management Policies for the City of Seattle.
Repeal of
SMC Section 3.76.030
Relates to issuance of debt management fee for expenses related to the Debt Management Policy Advisory Committee.
Amendment to
Reso 30345, 30533
Adopts updated Debt Management Policies for the City of Seattle.

Financial Policy
Topic Area
Council Adopted
Investment  Updates Investment Policies for the City of Seattle. Resolution 30346 08/06/01
SMC Investment Authority Expansion Expands the investment authority of the Director of Executive Administration to include investment in the local government investment pool in the State Treasury. Ordinance 121028 12/09/02

Financial Policy
Topic Area
Council Adopted
Business Improvement District Updates policies regarding the establishment and management of Parking and Business Improvement Areas. Resolution 30389 09/10/01
Local Improvement District Reaffirms policies regarding the establishment and management of Local Improvement Districts. Resolution 30387 09/24/01

Financial Policy
Topic Area
Council Adopted
General Fund Subfunds and Pension/Retirement Funds Adopts updated financial policies for the various General Fund Subfunds of the City of Seattle and for the City's Employees' Retirement Fund, Police Pension Fund, and Firemen's Pension Fund. Resolution 30379 08/20/01
Judgment/Claims Subfund Adopts updated financial policies for the Judgment/Claims Subfund of the General Fund. Resolution 30386 09/10/01
Operating Department Funds and the Parking Garage Fund Adopts updated financial policies for funds of the City of Seattle's various Operating Departments and for the Parking Garage Fund. Resolution 30392 09/24/01
Industrial Insurance Subfund and Unemployment Insurance  Subfund Adopts updated financial policies for the Industrial Insurance Subfund and the Unemployment Insurance Subfund of the General Fund. Resolution 30535 11/18/02
Healthcare Subfunds Most recent amendment to Health Care Subfund policy. Ordinance 120996 11/18/02
General Bond Interest and Redemption Fund Specifies purposes of the General Bond Interest and Redemption Fund; directs payment from that fund; and provides for use of moneys that may be received in connection with the sale of general obligation bonds. Ordinance 121360 12/08/03

Financial Policy
Topic Area
Council Adopted
  Modifies City policies pertaining to capital appropriations. Ordinance 123746 11/21/2011
  Establishes a uniform governance structure for capital projects involving multiple Departments Clerk File 306879  8/24/2004
  Adopts updated capital and major maintenance planning and funding policies for the City of Seattle. Resolution 30365 08/06/01

Financial Policy
Topic Area
Council Adopted
Budget Planning and Program Outcomes Relating to budget planning, establishing standards for measuring and evaluating program performance, and applying these in Council review of the budget. Resolution 31425 01/22/13
Citywide Cost Allocation Adopts updated Citywide cost allocation policies. Resolution 30384 09/10/01
Transfer of Expenditure Allowances Relates to transfers of expenditure allowances in the budget as permitted under RCW 35.32A.050. Ordinance 120981 11/18/02
Relocation Assistance for Emergency Orders Policies related to assistance for tenants required to be relocated due to emergency orders and City involvement. Ordinance 121076 02/18/03

Budget Office

Dan Eder, Acting Director
Address: 600 4th Ave, Floor 6, Seattle, WA, 98124
Mailing Address: PO Box 94747, Seattle, WA, 98124-4747
Phone: (206) 615-1962
Fax: (206) 233-0022

City Budget Office oversees all aspect of the city's budget. The web site includes current and archived budgets, capital improvement programs, economic updates and other related information.