2013-2014 Proposed Budget

Download the 2013-2014 Proposed Budget

Front Section Utilities & Transportation
Credits, p.3 Seattle City Light, p.349
GFOA Award, p. 5 Seattle Public Utilities, p.373
Table of Contents, p.7

Seattle Public Utilities – Drainage & Wastewater, p.377


Seattle Public Utilities – Solid Waste, p.395
Reader’s Guide, p.9 Seattle Public Utilities – Water Utility, p.409
City Organizational Chart, p.12 Seattle Streetcar, p.423
2013-2014 Proposed Budget Executive Summary, p.13 Transportation, Seattle Dept of, p.429
Summary Charts & Tables, p.43 Transportation  - Central Waterfront Improvement Fund, p.465
General Subfund Revenue Overview, p.43
Selected Financial Policies, p.71 Administration
Budget Process, p.73 Cable Television Franchise Subfund, p.473
City Auditor, Office of the, p.479
Arts, Culture & Recreation City Budget Office, p.485
2008 Parks Levy, p.79 Civil Rights, Seattle Office for, p.491
Arts & Cultural Affairs, Office of, p.83 Civil Service Commissions, p.497
Parks & Recreation, Dept of, p.93 Employees’ Retirement System, p.501
Seattle Center, p.121 Ethics & Elections Commission, p.507
The Seattle Public Library, p.137 Finance & Administrative Services, Department of, p.513
Finance General, p.543
Health & Human Services Hearing Examiner, Office of, p.555
Education - Support Services Levy, p.153 Immigrant & Refugee Affairs, Office of, p.559
Human Services Department, p.165 Information Technology, Dept of, p.563
Intergovernmental Relations, Office of, p.583
Neighborhoods & Development Legislative Department, p.589

Economic Development, Office of, p.199

Mayor, Office of the, p.595
Housing, Office of, p.209 Personnel Compensation Trust Funds, p.599
Neighborhood Matching Subfund, p.221 Personnel Department, p.617
Neighborhoods, Department of, p.227 Sustainability & Environment, Office of, p.625
Pike Place Market Levy, p.239
Planning & Development, Department of, p.245 Funds, Subfunds & Other
General Subfund, p.633

Public Safety

Cumulative Reserve Subfund, p.639
Criminal Justice Contracted Services, p.269 Debt Service, p.661
Seattle Fire Department, p.273 Fiscal Reserves, p.683
Fire Facilities Levy Fund, p.287 Judgment/Claims Subfund, p.687
Firefighters' Pension, p.289 Parking Garage Operations, p.695
Law Department, p.297
Seattle Municipal Court, p.305 Appendix
Municipal Jail, p.313 Summary of Position & FTE Changes by Dept, p.703
Seattle Police Department, p.317 Fund Financial Plans, p.709
Police Relief & Pension, p.339 Cost Allocation, p.747
Glossary, p.757
Statistics, p.761

Budget Office

Dan Eder, Acting Director
Address: 600 4th Ave, Floor 6, Seattle, WA, 98124
Mailing Address: PO Box 94747, Seattle, WA, 98124-4747
Phone: (206) 615-1962
Fax: (206) 233-0022

City Budget Office oversees all aspect of the city's budget. The web site includes current and archived budgets, capital improvement programs, economic updates and other related information.